What is the difference between confidential information, and trade secrets? And how do I protect my trade secrets? 

What is the difference between confidential information, and trade secrets? And how do I protect my trade secrets?

I often get asked how can I protect my secret recipe/ my unique biz method/ my software.  To fully understand how you can best protect your business secrets, it is best to really understand what is the difference between confidential information and trade secrets. Confidential information is an overarching word used to describe any information … Read more

What does a trademark lawyer do?

what does a trademark lawyer do

Choosing a good trademark can be one of the best business decisions you will ever make. So when you start looking into branding as a startup, it should definitely be something you turn your mind to, and a trademark lawyer can help you. Most startups register their business name and domain name, some social handles … Read more

Why the online law firm?

why the online law firm

Before Covid-19 online law firms were often viewed with intrigue, but not taken seriously. “That model would never suit us” – “Our clients are different, they would only ever meet us in person”- “We couldn’t possibly have all our appointments online”. And “the cloud?! Oh well, that’s not secure”. Then, almost overnight, there was little … Read more

So what does an e-commerce lawyer actually do?

canva woman holding card while operating silver laptop 2

E-commerce? Well, we all know what commerce is… the buying and selling of goods and services. It’s been around for a while… well, almost as long as human kind has! It began with prehistoric people bartering, and became monetary based in the ancient world. So why all the fuss about “e-commerce”? Is it a e-volution? … Read more

Legals for Small Business during Coronavirus

legals for small business during coronavirus

To say these are difficult times for many small businesses is an understatement. They are “unprecedented” times, and lawyers of course like precedents. However, we are always encouraging small businesses to be proactive. We are also always encouraging you to develop strong business relationships to minimize the likelihood of disputes. With some courts closing temporarily … Read more

A Personal Welcome!!

a personal welcome!!

We made it!! And you made it here!! I’m so pleased to be able to introduce you to our new website. I think you’ll find that there are some rather useful legal resources for you in the way of legal guides which will gradually be released. They are for online stores, VAs, life and business … Read more